Date:  Monday, June 14, 2021

Present:  Ehmke, Lehn, Mosses, Kirchhoff, Clark and Clerk, Kirchhoff


Guests:  Keene, Kirchhoff, Cribbs, Dowling, Cruzes

All board members and six guests and Clerk were present.  Attendance was noted by the Clerk and the Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance to begin the meeting.  The meeting was brought to order at 6:00 pm by the Chairman and reminded all in attendance of the Open Meetings Act posted on the wall.

            The Minutes of the May 10, 2021, were submitted for approval.  A motion was made to approve the minutes followed by a second and upon roll call vote, all voted yea.

            The Treasurer’s Report for approval.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the report and upon a roll call vote, all voted yea. 


            A group was present to discuss the traffic coming into and leaving Avoca at high speeds, noting that this was a factor with a school bus hitting a dog. There was a discussion as to options such as a speed bump, which could be done.  Another option was to place 4-way stops at the intersection.  It was also discussed that speeding is a problem throughout and every entrance into Avoca has this same problem.  The clerk will do further checking with the County and JEO to see if this would be an option that could be done at every entrance as well as checking with the sheriff office.  There are speed limits that need to be observed as well as other traffic violations such as driving the wrong way on House Street between Garfield and Tefft and parking incorrectly and under age children driving.

            There was a discussion for a building permit for a new house.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the building permit with final layout approval by the County and upon a roll call vote, all voted yea.   

Fire department reported that seven people attended the fire school.  They are working on ideas for further interaction events with the community, French Toast Feed in July.  There was concern regarding a cracked pipe at the pump house and the house that was previously reported to be burned will now be torn down.  The water meter is not hooked up yet.

            Library Board has not given an update as to when they will reopen but should be meeting soon to discuss this.    

            Keene told the Board that he has been working on things, such as the meter, at the chlorine building.  He has agreed to be the one to notify for locating from Diggers Hot line.  A motion was made to pay Keene $100 per locate.  The motion was seconded and upon a roll call vote, all voted yea.  Test kits were given to board members to fill and return to the office so they can be submitted for lead and copper testing.  He will be on vacation in July.

Old Business:

            Discussed the valve box that was covered when recent concrete work was done.  There are a few things that need to be corrected.  A motion was made and seconded to hold the payment for the work done till corrections are made and a written bill is submitted.  Upon a roll call vote, all voted yea.

            Properties:  Nothing received from attorney.

            Utility Bills – There were 11 shut off notices mailed, 4 remains unpaid.  One leak was noted on reading meters.  

            Pending work to be done:

Tractor Shed work will be done and will try to have done by next meeting.

                        Water meter at fire department – not completed.

New Business:

            Street work to be done – a map will be marked when discussing with the contractor as well as marking parking lines.


Clerk Questions or Correspondence:

            Mile Lane report completed for submission.

            Interlocal Agreement with the County for the recycle container was signed.

            Note will be added to newsletter about office hours and dropping off water payments.

            Requested work hours to be submitted before noon on meeting day for pay checks to be processed and written.

Trustee Reports:

Water/Clark:  Nothing to report.

Sewer/Kirchhoff:   Nothing to report.

Finance/Lehn: Nothing to report.

            Parks/Moses:  Restrooms are opened.  The Clerk asked that the swing set be checked.

Street/Ehmke:  Nothing to report.


Discussion of bills to be paid for June:   A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Ehmke, upon roll call vote: four yea and Ehmke abstain vote.  A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Moses, upon a roll call vote: four yea and Moses abstain vote.  A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Clark, upon a roll call vote:  four yea and Clark abstain.  A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Kirchhoff, upon a roll call vote: four yea and Kirchhoff abstain vote.  A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Lehn, upon a roll call vote: four yea and Lehn abstain vote.  A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for the automatic bills and upon a roll call vote, all voted yea.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the payment of the remaining bills for June.  Upon a roll call vote, all voted yea to pay the remaining monthly bills. 

The following bills were approved for payment:   

General:  Ehmke - $135; Clark - $90; Kirchhoff - $60; Lehn - $90; Moses - $258.07; Kirchhoff - $;1194.38; Windstream Nebraska - $124.55; Intuit - $6.33; Office Depot - $144.11; Hauschild - $1016.00; US Treasury - $1696.46  

Sewer Account:  Keene - $1478.20; Kirchhoff - $129.29; Midwest Laboratories - $20.00; Tri-State Pumping LLC - $347.88; Meeske Hardware - $50.65; USABlue Book - $433.26; Badger Meter - $390; Sewer Reserve - $100  

Water Account:  Keene - $592.14; Kirchhoff - $129.29; Sewer Account - $2743.51; Rural Water Dist. #3 - $1290.00; NE Department of Revenue - $383.37; Postmaster - $55; Badger Meter - $390; Water Reserve - $2600.00   

Street Account:  Ehmke - $206.86; Ron’s Auto & Tire Repair - $10.86; Moses - $206.86

Automatic Payments:  Black Hills Energy - $66.11

 OPPD – General - $268.07; Water - $37.11; Sewer - $451.46; Street - $757.40

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  Upon roll call, all voted yea and the meeting was adjourned by Chairman at 7:30 pm.  The next meeting of the Avoca Village Board will be held on Monday, July 12, 2021, at 6:00 pm at the Village office at 609 House Street.  Minutes are submitted by Marilyn Kirchhoff, Village Clerk/Treasurer.