Date:  Monday, September 13, 2021

Present:  Ehmke, Lehn, Kirchhoff, Clark and Clerk, Kirchhoff

Absent:  Moses                                   Guest:  Beck, Clarke (2)

Four board members, three guests and Clerk were present with one board member absent.  Attendance was noted by the Clerk and the Board recited the Pledge of Allegiance to begin the meeting.  The meeting was brought to order at 6:00 pm by the Chairman and reminded all in attendance of the Open Meetings Act posted on the wall.

            The Minutes of the August 9, 2021, were submitted for approval.  A motion was made to approve the minutes followed by a second.    Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – yea; Ehmke – yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent.

            The Treasurer’s Report for approval.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the report.    Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – yea; Ehmke – yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent.


            Fire department was not present.  The Quack-Off has been cancelled. 

            Library Board was not present but sent a letter.  If anyone wishes to check out books, they are to contact Nancy Bose at 402-275-3466. 

            Keene did not leave a report.

            Beck discussed the completed concrete work with the Board.  When he has other work in the area, he will fix the street.  The bridge footings will have rock put down.  The slab was installed without expansion, concrete was filled in from previous job.  Payment will be sent when a bill and a copy of the 2-year warranty is received.

Old Business:

            Properties:  The Attorney is continuing with discussion with the county attorney as to foreclosure procedures as well as the bank for ownership.  All records indicate that Straw is still the owner.  Paperwork is being done for foreclosure on Incontro.  A letter will be sent for clean up of a new property of concern.

            Santa Claus will be coming to Avoca on Saturday, December 18.  The fire department will be contacted about bringing him to the town hall.

            Utility Bills – There were 11 shut off notices mailed, 7 remains unpaid.  One leak was noted on reading meters.  Two were shut off and one has been turned back on for receipt of payment.  Letters will be sent out for getting accounts paid in full this month.

A motion was made and seconded to suspend the regular meeting.  Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – yea; Ehmke – yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent. 

At 6:30 pm, the 1&6 Year Road Plan Hearing began.  The Board had discussed the plan as submitted by JEO.  There were no additions to be made and nothing removed from the plan.  The Board continues with annual road repairs as needed.  This year, there was $20,000 spent to make some repairs on streets.  Resolution No 03-092021 the Signing of the Municipal Annual Certification of Program Compliance 2021.  Board Member Kirchhoff Moved the adoption of said resolution.  Member Lehn Seconded the Motion.   Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – yea; Ehmke – yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent.  The Municipal Annual Certification of Program Compliance to Nebraska Board of Public Roads Classifications and Standards 2021 was submitted for signature of Chairperson, Ehmke.  Resolution 04-092021 was introduced by Lehn, who moved its Adoption, seconded by Kirchhoff.  The Street Superintendent has prepared and presented a One Year and Six Year Plan for Street Improvement Program for the Village of Avoca.  Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – yea; Ehmke – yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent, the plans and data as Furnished are hereby in all things accepted and adopted.  A motion was made by Clark to adjourn the Hearing and return to the Regular Meeting at 6:36 pm.  The motion was seconded by Lehn.  Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – yea; Ehmke – yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent.

Return to Regular Meeting:

            Pending work to be done:

Tractor Shed work will be done.

                        Concrete work was discussed and the bill will be paid upon receipt.

                            The Street Surveys were discussed.   There were 19 surveys returned and the Clerk received information from other towns and also discussed the problem with the sheriff office.  The results will be posted at the office.  Many replies were for additional stop signs and some requested street bumps.  A reminder for all residents that the speed limit within the Village limits is 15 mph – it is only 25 mph coming into Avoca on Tefft Street to House Street intersection.  The sheriff office has agreed to patrol the area more often.  Hopefully, more law enforcement will help slow down the traffic.  Stop signs and lower speed limits are set for the safety of all and should not be taken likely.  

Budget Hearing at 6:45 pm.  Regular meeting is suspended. 

Melinda Clarke presented the Budget for 2022 to the Board for review and answered any questions.  The Clerk forgot to include the new Interlocal Agreement with the County for the Recycle Container.  A copy will be sent with the copy of the minutes to be included with the Budget paperwork.  There were no additional questions or comments from any others.  A motion was made by Kirchhoff for the 1% Board approved increase.  The motion was seconded by Lehn.  Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – yea; Ehmke – yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent.  Resolution No 05-092021 Setting the Property Tax Request was submitted by Trustee Lehn, who moved for Adoption, was seconded by Trustee Kirchhoff.  Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – yea; Ehmke – yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent.  A motion to adjourn the Budget Hearing was made by Lehn and seconded by Clark.  Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – yea; Ehmke – yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent.  The Budget Hearing was adjourned at 7:02 pm.

Returning to the Regular Meeting.

                Street work was completed and a bill has been submitted for payment.  There has been a complaint about the handicap parking on the south west end of House Street.  The Board will try spray paint to cover the blue as this was marked in error.  A positive comment was received about the addition of the handicap parking by the Post Office.  Another reminder to residents that the red zone is for No Parking.   

New Business:

            A note was received regarding weeds in the playground, they have been sprayed again.

Clerk Questions or Correspondence:

            The Clerk is reviewing information for the LB26 which was passed and will remove sales tax on water use for residential areas.  This is for water only and does not affect the sewer billing.

            Information was received about locator training, follow up will be done for information for one interested.

            Reminder to the Board members that they cannot make any decisions for work to be done or monetary payments without it first going before the Board and a motion is made on the item.  Paperwork must be completed for everything.   

            A request was received for use of the ball field for individual use.  If electricity is needed, Trustee Lehn or Moses will need to be contacted for a key.  It was decided that keys would not be given out at this time.

            There has been interest in a Memorial Gazebo/Garden.  More information is needed before the Board will approve.

            USDA audit will be finalized in the next week.  All outstanding bills need to be paid before September 28.

Trustee Reports:

Water/Clark:  Nothing to report.

Sewer/Kirchhoff:   Nothing to report.

Finance/Lehn: Has done work in the park/playground area.

            Parks/Moses:  Absent.   

Street/Ehmke:  Will be cutting along the creek when Hauschild equipment can get in, it is too dangerous to do with the tractor.


            The Clerk is working on a better system for paying ticket locations.

Discussion of bills to be paid for September:   A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Ehmke.  Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – yea; Ehmke- abstain; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent.  A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Moses.  Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – yea; Ehmke- yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent.  A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Clark for Trustee fees.  Upon a roll call vote of Trustees; Clark – abstain; Ehmke – yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent.  A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for Kirchhoff for Trustee fees.  Upon a roll call vote of Trustees; Clark – yea; Ehmke – yea; Kirchhoff – abstain; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent.  A motion was made and seconded to approve payment of Trustee fees for Lehn.  Upon a roll call vote of Trustees; Clark – yea; Ehmke – yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – abstain; Moses – absent.   A motion was made and seconded to approve payment for the automatic bills.   Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – yea; Ehmke- yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the payment of the remaining bills for September.   Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – absent; Ehmke- yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent. 

The following bills were approved for payment:   

General:  Ehmke - $180; Clark - $60; Kirchhoff - $120; Lehn - $120; Moses - $90; Kirchhoff - $979.10; Windstream Nebraska - $124.59; Lincoln Journal Star - $76.16; Intuit - $8.44; Hauschild - $1017.00; Moses - $265.04; K Kirchhoff - $14; R Kirchhoff - $28; Clarke - $1300; US Treasury - $1836.02

Sewer Account:  Keene - $1096.80; Kirchhoff - $129.29; Postmaster - $58; Tri-State Pumping LLC - $1103.64; Meeske Hardware - $28.97; MARC - $731.73; Sewer Reserve - $100  

Water Account:  Keene - $390.51; Kirchhoff - $129.29; Sewer Account - $2927.90; Rural Water Dist. #3 - $1775; NE Department of Revenue - $419.13; NE Public Health Environmental Lab - $15; Water Loan Repay - $2000.00; Water Reserve - $850   

Street Account:  Ehmke - $168.08; Tri-State Contractors - $20,000

Community Improvement Account:  Papillion Sanitation - $306

Automatic Payments:  Black Hills Energy - $31.50

 OPPD – General - $342.77; Water - $33.74; Sewer - $468.83; Street - $676.37

A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting. Upon a roll call vote of Trustees:  Clark – yea; Ehmke- yea; Kirchhoff – yea; Lehn – yea; Moses – absent.  The meeting was adjourned by Chairman at 8:14 pm.  The next meeting of the Avoca Village Board will be held on Monday, October 11, 2021, at 6:00 pm at the Village office at 609 House Street.  Minutes are submitted by Marilyn Kirchhoff, Village Clerk/Treasurer.